Professional Indemnity Insurance Broking Solutions

Professional Indemnity insurance is designed to protect the likes of architects, engineers, attorneys, brokers, doctors, estate agents – essentially any professional individual or practice – who takes a fee for providing a service.

As a professional, we understand the huge investment you have made into your career and business. It’s an exceptional achievement underpinned by a great deal of personal sacrifice, so we understand how important it is to secure not only your hard-earned assets and equipment, but your reputation too.

At Aon, our sole focus is on providing comprehensive and cost-effective risk coverage solutions and professional advice available to professionals, whether you run your own business or are part of a national or multinational organisation.

Our insurance broking solutions include:

We make insuring your professional business a personal and supportive experience for you. Our team is focused on providing you with holistic insurance and risk advice to cover the complex and dynamic challenges that come with your profession.